The Eley Metrology patented VMS Digital Height Gauge is an extremely robust and reliable piece of measuring equipment. Like all pieces of machinery, it is good practice to observe the need for regular calibration and servicing. When measuring equipment is relied upon to be accurate, the operator must be confident in the output results. With a regular service contract and certification, a VMS digital height gauge can continue to perform at its optimum level. The business investment in this high calibre tool is also protected.

What are Digital Height Gauge Service Requirements?
The service requirements for individual digital height gauges will depend on the level of usage and the conditions and environment where the VMS is employed. For example, a digital height gauge that is used daily in a dusty area will need servicing a lot more regularly than one that is used only once a month.
The timing for calibration and servicing checks would typically be stated within a quality manual that covers all audit inspection requirements for the business. It is recommended that equipment like the VMS digital height gauge has a valid certificate of calibration to ensure it retains it's optimum performance and accuracy. If the business does not have confirmed inspection requirements, an annual calibration and service check is advised.
Why Does a Digital Height Gauge Need a Service?
For measuring equipment to be certified as accurate, checks on all parts during a service will be performed. For a digital height gauge, these checks would start with a careful and thorough cleaning of main slides and air-bearings with the appropriate cleaning fluid. After cleaning all parts would be examined to check for freedom of movement and probing contact pressure.
Once all checks to machine parts have been completed, corrections may be necessary. For example, in the VMS, the electro-magnetic clutch may need adjusting. At this stage in the service, other parts may be identified as weak, and therefore replacements may be required.
The battery in a digital height gauge is rechargeable. The up to date technology used means that they rarely need replacing. During a service, our trained engineers check the battery to ensure peak performance.
Measuring Equipment Calibration
Before a calibration certificate is issued, the digital height gauge is checked for perpendicularity in both the front plane as well as the side plane.
Once all adjustments and checks are completed, the final calibration test can be performed. This work can be completed on-site, and Eley Metrology offers both 'In-house' and a UKAS Certificate of Calibration.
Why is Calibration Vital?
1. Wear and Tear
No matter how well you look after equipment, parts will start to wear away over time. This means that measuring devices become unreliable and need checking. Regular calibrations are required to confirm whether measuring points have moved. During a service, any irregularities with the device will be fixed, and the machine can then be certified as accurate.
2. Auditing Process
Certified calibrations are a UKAS requirement to ensure correct quality control. Following an auditing process is an important business practice. If your audit process is kept up to date, any quality control queries can be dealt with efficiently and without concern.
3. Costs
An unexpected machinery breakdown can be costly for a few reasons. Firstly, if the device is the only one in the business, the work it performs will have to pause, creating a potential loss of income. Emergency call-outs to repair equipment are charged at a premium and the time taken for repairs can be lengthy if the damage has been ignored. Replacement parts may be required, which can be avoided with regular calibration and maintenance.
4. Safety
Regular servicing of equipment ensures sound operational systems that create a safe working environment. Working with machinery that involves moving parts creates a risk. Calibration of equipment will identify any small errors that if not fixed, could result in an accident.
5. Product Recalls
In manufacturing, quality control is crucial to have records of checks and procedures in place to maintain standards. Reliable equipment can form part of quality checks to highlight any issues before items are delivered. Well organised and planned quality checks reduce the risk of product recalls. If a recall does occur the quality control measuring process will demonstrate that all required checks have been completed and the search for the issue can move on.
Planning calibration and servicing may feel like an arduous and unnecessary task, but small regular checks can save money and avoid risk.
Find Out More
If you’d like more details about Eley Metrology digital height gauge servicing and calibration, then our team are available to help.
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